all have bench racing stories! I have a few of my own and because this is my web site! Well you know what that is about. First
from where I come a good bench racer is referred to as a "FEED ARTIST" That is to say he really knows how to "FEED
YOU A LINE OF BULL" A good FEED has to be mostly true, but stretching it a bit has to be artistically done to
be a true FEED ARTIST. Most bench racers never get to this level and are mere FEED MEN! Now a plain FEEDER is
almost a flat out liar and that guy you may have to BLACK FLAG in the middle of his FEED because you can not take it anymore!
When listening to any bench racer alway use a flag system in your mind. If they are good, keep the green flag out, if they
stray to far from the truth pull out the yellow and like I said before "if the guy flat out lies do not hesitate to through
out the black flag" just walk away!
This part of the web site will be a section to tell some of
my "FEEDS"
DeSoto and what I learned about the infamous "toe slide"
When I was about 16 I would look at the latest cycle
news and they would have a picture of John DeSoto in some "way kool toe slide" on his trusty CZ.
I would go out and practice my own toe slide but could never
figure out how or why DeSoto did this? Fast forward about 35 years when I finally met John at a local race in
Spokane. In practice I started out just in front of DeSoto, it was a grass track and they had watered it all week long
before the race. I went through the first turn all pumped up on adrenaline thinking "my boy hood hero is right
behind me!" needless to say I was throttled up when the wet grass became an unavoidable reality! As I spun out
on the slick grass doing a pancake donut on my butt! I looked up and saw this picture while it was being taking,
it was John DeSoto doing his imfamous toe slide in the slick grass keeping it on two wheels packing the mail!